Conférence sur la transformation des fruits et la valorisation des sous-produits
Le projet InovFarmer.MED invite tous les chercheurs travaillant sur les 4 domaines thématiques à soumettre leurs résumés pour la Conférence sur la transformation des fruits et la valorisation des sous-produits.
Cet événement GRATUIT est une bonne occasion pour les chercheurs du monde entier de se mettre en réseau et de partager leurs connaissances et leur expérience.
L’inscription est GRATUITE mais obligatoire.
Le programme PRIMA est un partenariat de la Commission européenne dans le cadre d’Horizon 2020 pour financer des projets de recherche et d’innovation qui contribuent à « l’utilisation durable des ressources naturelles, la croissance économique et la stabilité dans le bassin méditerranéen ».
Adresse de l’événement :
Campo Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Domaines thématiques
22 octobre 2024
8h30 - 9h00 - Inscription
9h00 - Séance d'ouverture
- Manuel António Coimbra, University of Aveiro (Chair)
- Dulcineia Wessel, Polytechnic University of Viseu (Co-chair)
9:20h - 9: 45h — Modulation of fruit pocessing for healthier beverages.
Ana Martinho, Sumol Compal, Portugal
9:45h - 9:55h — Chutneys made with strawberry tree fruits as a source of dietary fiber
Goreti Botelho, CERNAS- Research Centre for Natural Resources Environment and Society, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal
9:55h - 10:05h — Formulation and digestibility assessment of a protein-enriched
Ândria Viegas, LEAF – Linking Landscape, Environment. Agriculture and Food Research Center, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
10:05h - 10:15h — Enhancing fruit juice nutritional value by increase of soluble dietary fiber with prebiotic potential
Sónia Ferreira, LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
10:15h – 10:25h — Lemon by-products valorization: incorporation into processed meat products
Daniela Magalhães, CBQF – Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal
10:25h - 10:30h — Repurposing apple by products: a journey from bioatives profile and stability assessment to the transformation into nutrient-rich snacks
Raquel Nunes da Silva, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
10:30h - 10:35h — An integrated approach to the sustainable and medicinal use of Crithmum maritimum
Airam Roggero, LAQV/REQUIMTE – BioSIM, Departamento de Biomedicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
10:35h - 10:40h — Mushroom extracts as enhancers of chemotherapy efficacy in cancer cells
Jéssica Fonseca, UCIBIO—Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit, Toxicologic Pathology Research
Laboratory, University Institute of Health Sciences (UCIBIO-IUCS-CESPU), Gandra, Portugal
10:40h - 10:45h — Phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of piper aduncum and tapirira guianensis extracts: effect of the extraction conditions
Anne T. F. de Souza, Amazonas State University, Manaus, Brazil
10:45h - 10:50h — Development of food ingredients rich in soluble dietary fiber and oligosaccharides from fresh and dried figs
Sara Gonçalves, LAQV-REQUIMTE, Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro, Portugal
10:50h - 11:20h — Coffee Break
11:20h - 11:45h — Food antioxidants
Ana Fernandes, Université de Porto, Portugal
11:45h – 11:55h — Lipidomics towards the valorization of avocado by-products as sources of added-value lipid ingredients.
Bruna B. Neves, Mass Spectrometry Center, LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
11:55h - 12:05h — Hydrothermal treatment of camellia fruit husks: extraction and valorization of bioactive compounds.
Francisco Díaz Seoane, CINBIO, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
12:05h - 12:15h — Integrated valorization of opuntia seeds and pomace: sustainable solutions for enhanced nutrition and skincare.
Ricardo Ferreira, LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Session 3 – Valorisation des sous-produits et des biodéchets
12:15h - 12:25h — Valorization of olive oil by-products: olive stones
Naiara Fernández Hernández, iBET, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Oeiras, Portugal
12:25h - 12:35h — Upcycling piquant pepper waste for sustainable food product development
Rita Bastos, Colab4Food – Laboratório Colaborativo Para a Inovação da Indústria Agroalimentar, INIAV, Portugal
12:35h - 12:40h — Microwave-assisted extraction for obtaining bioactive compounds from the peel of the amazonian fruit garcinia macrophylla mart
Bruno Alves Nogueira, Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Brazil
12:40h - 12:45h — Bio-based packaging materials for sustainable food packaging: an alternative to plastic
Kathy Lois S. Amores, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
12:45h - 12:50h — From Loss to Value: Revealing the Nutritional and Bioactive Potential of Acorn Shells
Cristina Rodrigues, CBQF – Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal
12:50h - 12:55h — Valorising Pear By-Products: Pathways to Sustainable Practices in Fruit Processing
Michael Warren G. Ceballos, Facultad de Veterinaria y Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Spain
12:55h - 14:30h — Lunch
14:30h - 14:55h — Polysaccharide-based bionanocomposites: sustainable solutions for active food packaging
Cláudia Nunes, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
14:55h - 15:05h — Novel buccal films loaded with actinidia arguta extract for oral mucositis: an in vitro and ex vivo study
Filipa Teixeira, REQUIMTE/LAQV, ISEP, Portugal
15:05h - 15:15h — Exploring the potential of Lycium chinense Mill. (Goji) pruning waste: Chemical properties and applications in food products
Mariana Monteiro, LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
15:15h - 15:25h — Hybrid solar drying of portuguese fig variety 'pingo de mel': enhancing quality and shelf life
Cláudia M. B. Neves, CERNAS-IPV Research Centre, Polytechnic University of Viseu, Portugal
15:25h - 15:35h — Valorization of broccoli stems: experience using user-centered agile methodologies through design thinking
Jairo Alonso Torres Garcia, FoodChemPack Research Group, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
15:35h - 15:45h — Valorization of pine bark as a biosorbent for colour removal from textile wastewater
Ariana Pintor, LSRE-LCM – Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
15:45h - 15:55h — Valorizing Salicornia ramosissima biowaste as functional ingredient: Bioaccessibility, bioavailability and health effects
Diana Andreia Tavares Pinto, REQUIMTE/LAQV, ISEP – Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
15:55h - 16:00h — Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of rhubarb by-products: an upcycling-oriented valorisation study
Matilde Rodrigues, CIMO, LA SusTEC, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
16:00h - 16:05h — Soluble dietary fiber content in pingo de mel fig at different maturation stages
Elena Cassin, LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
16:05h - 16:10h — Valorising Grape By-products: Pathways to Sustainable Waste Management in the Mediterranean
Michael Warren G. Ceballos, Facultad de Veterinaria y Ciencias Experimentales, Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Spain
16:10h - 16:15h — Snactus: turning cladode pulp byproduct and peppers pomace waste into a spicy and sustainable cactus snack
Sofia Assunção Baltazar Jesus, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
16:15h - 16:45h — Coffee Break
16:45h - 17:10h — Management of the Prickly Pear Mealy Bug, Dactylopius opuntiae Using Bio-Insecticide in Morocco
Aissam El Finiti, University of Ibn Zohr, Morocco
17:10h - 17:20h — Exploiting pine nut shells potential for crop management
Élia Simões Fogeiro, LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
17:20h - 17:30h — Valorization of ficus carica l. leaves and opuntia ficus-indica l. mill. cladodes: potencial for the development of an organic insecticide
Sérgio Santos, CERNAS-IPV Research Centre, Polytechnic University of Viseu, Portugal
17:30h - 17:40h — Chestnut shells for aquaculture water treatment
Isabella Tomasi, LSRE – Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering and LCM – Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials, Portugal
17:40h - 17:50h — Synergistic antimicrobial potential between agroecological biopreparations and natural extracts of amazonian origin
Raiana S. Gurgel, Amazonas State University, Manaus, Brazil
17:50h - 17:55h — Potential of vicia faba pods waste to improve olive tree performance
Paula Lorenzo Rodríguez, University of Coimbra, Portugal
17:55h - 18:00h — Ascophyllum nodosum treatment improve olive performance and fruit quality under drought conditions
Maria Celeste Dias, University of Coimbra, Portugal
18:00h - 18:05h — Next-Gen Solutions for Weed Control, Bioformulations with Nano-Allelopathic power
Sabrine Soltane, MOHAMED Khider UNIVERSITY BISKRA, Algeria
18:05h - 18:10h — Valorization of camel urine as biopesticide: Assessing the antifungal activity of camel urine against Aspergillus tubingensis and Aspergillus carbonarius infecting fruits
Amina Ressmi, Polydisciplinary Faculty of Beni Melall, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco
8:10h - 18:30h — Closing Session
Comité d’organisation
- Manuel António Coimbra, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
- Dulcineia Wessel, Institut polytechnique de Viseu, Portugal
- Bárbara Henriques, Institut polytechnique de Viseu, Portugal
- Bruno Esteves, TA Consulting, Portugal
- Carlos Catorze Pereira, Institut polytechnique de Viseu, Portugal
- Cláudia Neves, Institut polytechnique de Viseu, Portugal
- Elena Cassim, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
- Elisabete Coelho, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
- Pedro Costa, TA Consulting, Portugal
- Rita Bastos, COLAB4FOOD, Portugal
- Sara Gonçalves, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
- Silvia Moreira, Food4Sustainability, Portugal
- Susana Cardoso, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
Comité scientifique
- Dulcineia Wessel, Université polytechnique de Viseu, Portugal
- Abdelhamid El Mousadik, Université Ibn Zohr, Maroc
- António Jordão, Université polytechnique de Viseu, Portugal
- Carine Le-Bourvellec, Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement, France
- Cláudia Neves, Institut polytechnique de Viseu, Portugal
- Elisabete Coelho, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
- Essam Abdel-Mawla, Académie arabe des sciences et technologies et du transport maritime, Égypte
- Helena Gomes, COLAB4FOOD, Portugal
- Herminia Dominguez, Université de Vigo, Espagne
- Maria João Alegria, Sumol Compal S.A.
- Marwa Moumni, Université polytechnique des Marches, Italie
- Meriem-Hind Ben-Mahdi, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Vétérinaire, Algérie
- Sónia Silva, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
- Susana Cardoso, Université d’Aveiro, Portugal
- Sylvie Bureau, Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement, France