IPV – Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
The IPV is the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu belonging to the Public Higher Education System of Portugal. IPV works closely with industry and SME, addressing problems and challenges in agriculture, forestry, agri-food, tourism, information, ICT, wood industry, furniture design, bioenergy and solar systems, among others. IPV is very active on organic agriculture, authenticity and traceability of traditional agri-food products, valorization of by-products and waste, mitigation of greenhouse gases, energy efficiency and the use of alternative raw materials for the production of pellet fuel and composites.
IPV has been working in national and EU projects in partnership with European, local and regional agro-players, particularly at the level of family agriculture, evaluation of agricultural practices with impact on health and the environment, improvement of sustainability and performance, adoption of organic production methods, valuing family labour and enhancing the role of women in food security and nutrition.

UA – Universidade de Aveiro
UA is a privileged partner for companies and other national and international organisations. During 2019, 628 research and technology transfer projects have been active in UA. From these 134 had or have international collaborations, of which 40 were funded by ERASMUS+ and 48 by Horizon 2020. Among them three ongoing ERC Grants and three more were approved for funding. Research is developed in 20 research centres hosted by UA, 95% of which are classified as very good or excellent.
UA team members have expertise in food chemistry, chemical characterization, food quality assessment, food products development, innovative and sustainable processing technologies, material science, and packaging materials. This team has experience as coordinator on several projects devoted to the development of green solutions related to food preservation, sustainable drying process. UA have expertise in the areas of food control, selection of food markers to assess as a rapid toll different chemical parameter. Complementary, active food packaging, films to protect food products enhancing shelf-life are also expertises that will be implemented in this project.
Chatron Lda
Chatron has existed for over 25 years and has won several innovation awards in Portugal and throughout Europe. Our innovative products are a reference in their application areas, solar light, solar dryers.Product drying tests in the solar dryer.

F4S – Food4Sustainability
Food4Sustainability (F4S) is a collaborative laboratory dedicated to innovation in sustainable food production. Its concept and circular production systems approach were developed through a collaborative process with relevant national and international stakeholders and experts as part of BGI’s collaboration with the Idanha-a-Nova municipality and involved various partners from the EIT Digital, Climate KIC and EIT Food networks. F4S aims at developing and testing innovative and sustainable approaches to the intensification of food production, building capacity of farmers in the adoption of state-of-the-art solutions and providing education and experimentation to relevant communities of interest. F4S has 15 founding members, including 4 research and higher education institutions, 2 industrial companies, 5 tech-based SME, 3 producer-focused organisations and is led by BGI, an international start-up/scaleup accelerator.
ENSV – Ecole Nationale Supérieure Vétérinaire
ENSV is a public institution of higher education, promoted to the rank of Grande École in 2008. The ENSV trains Veterinary Doctors after a five-year course, organizes post-graduation courses in veterinary medicine, culminating in obtaining a Master’s degree and a Doctorate in Veterinary Sciences. For the 2019-2020 academic year, the school has 702 students enrolled in graduation and 141 in post-graduation. A body made up of 94 permanent teacher-researchers supervises graduate, post-graduate and continuing education.
The ENSV contributes to the development of research in the field of veterinary sciences and public health. The School has three Research Laboratories: 1) The SPA Research Laboratory “Animal Health & Productions”; 2) The laboratory for the management of local animal resources; 3) The Food Hygiene and Quality Assurance System Laboratory “HASAQ”.

INRAE – Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
INRAE is France’s new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment with a mission- focused on diet, agriculture and environment. The UMR SQPOV (a joint research unit between Avignon University and INRAE) regroups all the research at INRAE on post-harvest, fresh and processed fruits and vegetables. The “Quality and Processing” team of UMR SQPOV has a recognized experience in the characterization of the quality of fruit and vegetables, including fresh and otherwise processed fruits and vegetables.
ACICT – Arab Company for Information and Communication Technology
The ACICT is a spin-off company hosted at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), an institution with key roles in education, training, consultation and research within the fields of maritime transport, engineering, and management sciences for more than 40 years now. The AASTMT has a profile of EU and regional projects in renewable energy and water resource management, supply chain and logistics, Agrofood and Agriculture. It is composed of highly skilled managers and researchers with diverse technical and scientific expertise, including agronomy, biotechnology, food, nutrition, computer science and management, and experience in inter-disciplinary projects.

TA Consulting – Pais da Costa & Esteves Pereira – Consultoria Lda
Pais da Costa & Esteves Pereira – Consultoria Lda, (TA Consulting) is a company founded in 2009 by two partners with extensive experience in management consulting and change management in various national companies. Since that year, TA Consulting has provided management consulting services to public and private entities and has also carried out projects for application to national and international community funds. In the scope of consulting services, the company has carried out with its clients several Marketing and Communication projects directed to the various target audiences of each entity.
TA Consulting has invested in online communication, basing its commercial strategy on it through the use of databases, keywords in ads campaigns or social media and SEO tools, which allowed it to enhance its communication with the market and to disseminate its proposals/solutions of business value.
UIZ – University Ibnou Zohr
UIZ is one of the largest University in Morocco, developing research within the framework of the natural resources management (water, agro-industry, fisheries and sea resources, etc.).
The UIZ has a large experience in agricultural research and technological transfer services. UIZ collaborates with Regional Governments through the agricultural research programs that are regarded as national priorities by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Moroccan State Research Agency. UIZ has a wide multi-disciplinary scope on agricultural and horticultural research, biotechnology, agricultural engineering and post-harvest technology. UIZ has excellent links with the professional sector through cooperation agreements with regional growers’ associations, the Agricultural Cooperatives and private companies. UIZ has been involved in more than 30 projects over the last 4 years.

SVU – South Valley University
South Valley University (SVU), Qena-Egypt covers the largest area in the country since it provides direct teaching services to approximately 20% of the total area of Egypt. As compared to this geographical weight, SVU is committed to a big social service role in the region of Upper Egypt. As a matter of fact, for a complete period of 25 years as an independent university, SVU has been serving the mission of a distinguished higher education institution, to comprise its cultural, educational, and service commitment.
SVU has more than 65’000 students enrolled throughout its teaching institutions, with more than 7’000 diploma, MA, MSc, and Ph.D. graduate students. These enrolment figures are a tribute to the creative staff and their responsible dedication to their students.